
Just got turboed for my tag Accomplish. Will pay if someone is able to locate the owner. It's people like this, scumbags. Just know I won't be able to pay for my college books. So whoever it was, I really appreciate it. Karma will bit you in the ass.
Damn, that tag is pretty cute. Pretty stupid of you to rely on Gamertags to pay off your tuition.
Damn, that sucks bro, hope you accomplish finding the culprit responsible for turboing your gamertag, good luck.
critical no not philly dont know him but all i will say his name rhymes with near

he is a pathetic nerd and he tricked me to swap my gt and turboed me a while ago too
Reptar said:
Damn, that tag is pretty cute. Pretty stupid of you to rely on Gamertags to pay off your tuition.

I don't think me selling something I didn't use for something that will better my life is a bad idea. Your logic will get you far though.
Benchmark said:
How did you come up with this assumption?

cant say but i know he turboed it 100% he is a pathetic peice of shit and poor as hell tricked me into changing my og gt saying he was gonna pay alot for it then he turboed me and gave me nothing
benchmark he turboed my gt from me told me if it was on a fresh account instead of my main he would pay alot for it and i trusted him so i tried to swap and he turboed it from me
Benchmark said:
I don't think me selling something I didn't use for something that will better my life is a bad idea. Your logic will get you far though.
You mentioned, "Just know I won't be able to pay for my college books." You relied on the gamertag, which is a huge mistake as you can see now.
Anywho, good luck finding the turboer mate.
reptar you are a real dick he just lost his og gt like me and you are making fun of him for it i hope you get turboed for any og gt you have
Rhymes with near
We all know its @fear
eyem a qweer