There is a tons of ways to make money. You just need high skills. Like for RC, if you have 91 then you can get 700k per hour. If you have 57 summoning, you can get 500k+ an hour.
well ya a botting way would be nice ^_-
rc will take way to long i rlly should of posted a pic of my stats. All my stats r 50+ combat is obv higher all of them r 85+ >
There is a tons of ways to make money. You just need high skills. Like for RC, if you have 91 then you can get 700k per hour. If you have 57 summoning, you can get 500k+ an hour.
with nature prices dropping its more like 500k/hr with double nats. And what is 57 summoning that makes 500k an hour? I think your referring to fruit bats which are level 69 summoning
with nature prices dropping its more like 500k/hr with double nats. And what is 57 summoning that makes 500k an hour? I think your referring to fruit bats which are level 69 summoning