Turn On Your Pc In 10 Seconds

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Click on startrun

A box will appear type " regedit " in it.

this will open Registery Editor
now go to :

at right site search for "Startup Delay"

Double Click On It
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000
Change The Value To 40000

Close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
You'll See The Result.
If you don't know how to fix computers, I wouldn't recommend doing this. But feel free. XD
I wont do this I would screw up my PC because i woudl do it wrong.
This simply shorts Start up delay , but its not good because most programs wont manage to load in time and all might get s***w up.
I've already tried this and it screwed up my explorer.exe, I couldn't run the task ask again, so I shut my Laptop down through the Power Button.

Damn, firstly I thinked "WOW COOL" and after 10 secs "Brrr I wont do this" :SS
I've already tried this and it screwed up my explorer.exe, I couldn't run the task ask again, so I shut my Laptop down through the Power Button.


thanks for the warning,i will definitely not g0ing to do it=)
well Ive checked on this well it may really start your computer very fast but some programs that should be loaded by the computer in msconfig could not be loaded anymore because the time to load windows is altered and shortened the pc is being forced to load faster rather than the usual one. definitely it is not recommended so do it at your own risk
thanks for the warning guys. I will try it on my other pc to see what will happen.
Unless you have over 4GB ram

You should not try this.

This is really risky and the damages my seriously harm your computer.
I've done this and all other registry tweaks on my desktop before and it does change a bit, but I don't recommend going far too low on the number things because like what previous posts said there are programs that require longer time to load. Anyways when I did something like this before it worked out well, but for some programs it turned out bad.
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