[Tut]Dirty Text Effect


In this tutorial we will make a dirty text effect like in a logo of Getaway TV series. You can find the original Getaway logo here: www.thegetaway.co.uk

1. Using Type tool create your text. Select it with Selection tool and convert into outlines (Type > Create Outlines). Fill the text with red for now (easier to see against white background), no stroke color. Name this layer Text.

2. We can make rough speckled texture using Filter > Pen & Ink > Hatch Effects. There are several preset hatches like Cross, Wood Grain and Stitch, but none of them resembles speckled texture of the Getaway logo. So we have to make a new Hatch.

a) Make a new layer.
b) Using Pen tool make some roundish speckle shapes.
c) Select the artwork with Selection tool.
d) Choose Filter > Pen & Ink > New Hatch.
e) Click New. Enter a name for the new hatch (like Speckles1) and click OK.
f) Make one more New Hatch with different shape (paint spatter) of speckles (repeat steps a-e). Name it Speckles2.
g) Delete or hide layers with initial hatch speckles.

3. Copy your Text layer two times. Name the top layer Dirt1, middle layer Dirt2. Text layer should be at the bottom. Select both Dirt layers and fill them with black. Hide Dirt2 layer. Select Dirt1 layer and choose Filter > Pen & Ink > Hatch Effects. Turn on preview and try different settings.

Here are the setting for our example:
Hatch – Speckles1;
Density – 100%;
Dispersion – 102-163%, random;
Scale – 10-104%, random;
Rotation - -70-+105%, random;
Fade none.

Click OK. You’ve got your black roundish speckles evenly spread across the text. Now we need some spatter stains.

4. Hide the Dirt1 layer and reveal Dirt2. Select it and apply Hatch Effects with different settings.

The settings for Dirt2 for our example:
Hatch – Speckles2;
Density – 50%;
Dispersion – 102-163%, random;
Scale – 10-104%, linear;
Rotation – 0-28%, random;
Fade none.

Click OK. Reveal Dirt1 layer.

5. To make the texture more believable you can copy your text layer and apply Hatch Effect with different settings couple more times.

Or you can further refine Dirt1 and 2 layers. If you take a close look at them you’ll see that they contain of groups of speckle shapes with applied clipping paths (in a shape of original text). You can Release Clipping Path for each letter, ungrounded, and move your speckles by hand, concentrating some of them in a corners of letters. Group and apply clipping path again. A little bit tedious but gives more realistic results. You can play with speckles opacity settings as well.

Color your text yellow. For a background place a black rectangle underneath the logo. Group everything and scale it to the desired size.

my english is not good..so any grammar mistake told me..lol[/align]
A great tutorial, this will make the text in my signatures slook a lot better.
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