[TUT] Make live.com / msn.com email 2014


So i thought all u newbs know how to do this but guess not so here is tutorial.

1. Make new email with outlook.com address
2. Go here: https://account.live.com/AddAssocId
3. Type the email you want
4. Now in the option box for outlook.com/hotmail.com right click outlook.com and inspect element, change value option from outlook.com to live.com or msn.com
5. Now just click save! you can then make that your primary alias and remove the other one if you want.

Proof it works. http://prntscr.com/3l1oyw

* Edit the part I have highlighted: http://prntscr.com/3l1pd7

you can also just use javascript to do this faster.
Thanks for this man. Have a good day.
@thehackerhd You mad bro? He just skidattled the beep bop
Respect to you for this. I already figured this one out. I was tempted to let it go but felt bad fr @TheHackerHD haha. Looks like you beat him to it. 'I'm a badass ' he said
maximum said:
Respect to you for this. I already figured this one out. I was tempted to let it go but felt bad fr @TheHackerHD haha. Looks like you beat him to it. 'I'm a badass ' he said

Small informations like this should be public haha only info that should ever be private is big security flaws
That was a dick move. Oh well, doesn't matter. I still got the checker that find's the OG's LOL
TheHackerHD said:
That was a dick move. Oh well, doesn't matter. I still got the checker that find's the OG's LOL

haha i'll let you have that win cause i don't care for OGs only "Codeks". but checker just vb.net app
Codeks said:
haha i'll let you have that win cause i don't care for OGs only "Codeks". but checker just vb.net app

It might just be a vb.net app, but its also just making me $$$$$$$$
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