[Tutorial] How To Block Skype IP Resolvers


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Skype IP resolvers are pretty annoying and also go hand and hand with stressers, and no one likes being hit offline, so I'm going to show you how to block the possibility of being resolved.

Step 1:

Go to tools ---> Options ---> Advanced ---> Connection

Step 2:

Copy these settings as shown.

Step 3:

Save and restart Skype, that's all you have to do.
This is a top of the line tutorial right here, not even info from 2013.
Wow im so happy someone finally showed me how to do this, I love u dude
WOAH NOT LIKE @sarcasm @Light and I had one made. REALLY HQ KOWAI! I WONDER HOW YOU FIGURED IT OUT? -_-

@blast @Rae
Kowai said:

but where is it at lil nigga????????

Look up "Skype resolver" on FK or just go through our threads to find it.
Oh my god thank you so much, I was so tired of getting hit with 30 second booters, kidding I'm sp00ki so I already knew this #Lizard
This would really help! Gonna do this when I get home haha!
Is there any way to block it from resolving on mobile?
Kowai said:
Unless you have a vpn on your phone, then I dont think so :/
that's fine then. I'm on a VPN pretty much all the time.
Circuit said:
that's fine then. I'm on a VPN pretty much all the time.

Honestly I'd avoid using skype on your phone in all because it leaves you vulnerable to resolvers regardless of what you do on your pc end. But if you must, use skype on your mobile network, never your WiFi.
Kowai said:
Honestly I'd avoid using skype on your phone in all because it leaves you vulnerable to resolvers regardless of what you do on your pc end. But if you must, use skype on your mobile network, never your WiFi.
why? I use a VPN on both devices.
Sarcasm said:
It just amazes me that people still fucking DDoS on skype lmao, Go outside seriously.

Not really ddosers, most people who try to be sp00ky and resolve try d0xing you
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