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[Tutorial] How to delete "Remember Me" checkbox from full login page


Active Member
Hi all,

Just thought I post this here.

I think for some communities it is desirable to not offer the "remember me" option, because it makes opportunistic account hijacking more likely. Especially if your users tend to access their forums from public or shared computers, you don't want them to stay logged in any longer than necessary in case they forget to log out before leaving the computer.

Some notes

Make sure to check out this tutorial how to remove the "remember me" check box from the portal page login here:


I completely disabled the javascript quick login on my forum, thus I had no need to find out how to disable the "remember me" tick box in the javascript login. Maybe someone else can write a tutorial for that, to complete how to remove all "remember me" check boxes?

This worked for me without problems, but if you find anything wrong in here or have suggestions for improvements, please let us know!


1. In the ACP, go to Templates and Styles - Templates
2. Choose the template set you are using in your forum
3. Member templates
4. Click on member_login to edit it

5. As a fallback in case you mess something up, save the complete content of the template you are going to alter, member_login, to a safe location. For example, you can just copy-paste its entire content into a text document and save it where you can find it easily later.

6. Find and delete the following code:

<td class="trow1" colspan="2" align="center"><label title="{$lang- >remember_me_desc}"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="remember" checked="checked" value="yes" /> {$lang->remember_me}</label></td>

7. Click "save".


Test if it works. Your full login page should now not show the "remember me" tick box anymore.

If something went wrong: Simply repeat steps 1 to 4 to go back to editing the member_login template, and copy the previously saved version of the original code back into it, and click save. That will bring you back to exactly what things were before your edit.

