Twice in a row


User is banned.
last week, I won 250k koins. This week, I win 900k koins. Smd ya'll.
gg no re
#SpamSquad on ya 4head
PS: Blocking everyone requesting koins
Fuck you Fuck Everyone lol

Congrats madude u jacked about 5K of my koins
FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YES!!!!!!!! Spam squad for mother fucking lyfe ninja.
Mojo said:
mate... y u so mad br0?

gg no re?

I hope you receive more warning levels u piece of shit omggggggggggggg i spent every 100 Koins on that omg omg omg all i want to do is upgrade 5 people why is this so hard
Michael said:
I hope you receive more warning levels u piece of shit omggggggggggggg i spent every 100 Koins on that omg omg omg all i want to do is upgrade 5 people why is this so hard

ive already upgraded 5 people from last weeks lotto m8
goin for the 20 upgraded members award
gg no re? ye
I will give you 100k if you let me spread nutella over your booty and lick it off @Michael
Mojo said:
ive already upgraded 5 people from last weeks lotto m8
goin for the 20 upgraded members award
gg no re? ye

And throwing back all those koins I spent and gave you so you could spend right.

gg no re ye.
Mojo said:
ive already upgraded 5 people from last weeks lotto m8
goin for the 20 upgraded members award
gg no re? ye

No, GG YES re. I will win this next lotto and shit Koins over you. Send me 50k first.
aleyoso said:
And throwing back all those koins I spent and gave you so you could spend right.

gg no re ye.

lmao m88
actually sir, I used my own koins for the upgrades. used yours on the lotto
Vengeance said:
I will give you 100k if you let me spread nutella over your booty and lick it off @Michael

gif me 27k koins to make me feel gud pls @Vengeance
Mojo said:
lmao m88
actually sir, I used my own koins for the upgrades. used yours on the lotto

even more reason to give them back now.
gg no re.
Congratulations @Mojo! Let the begging begin.
Send me the fucking 500 koins back that I wasted on the lottery negro.
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