Twitter Rolls Out Photo Sharing to All Users


Active Member
Twitter’s photo-sharing and uploading service is now available to all users, Twitter has confirmed.
The feature, which made its debut in early June, allows users to add images to their tweets. Users will now find a camera icon on the bottom of the “What’s Happening?” box on Clicking it will let users select a picture to upload, which they can then preview before sending it to the world. Tweets containing photos include a link to, along with a thumbnail of the attached picture.
The feature is being rolled out in advance of the launch of Apple iOS 5. Apple’s new mobile OS prominently features Twitter integration, essentially making it the default social network for iOS users. Users will be able to share photos via Twitter in iOS 5. Twitter isn’t saying when mobile photo uploads will be available in its Android and iOS apps, but we suspect that functionality will be coming very soon.
Twitter’s photo-sharing service is powered by Photobucket, which provides all of the hosting for user-uploaded photos.
Twitter’s photo service essentially negates the usefulness of photo-sharing services like TwitPic. Twitter has come under criticism for competing with third-party services built on its platform. Developers don’t know whether Twitter will suddenly start competing with their products, an issue that has created a cloud of uncertainty over the Twitter ecosystem.
Check out the screenshots we took of Twitter’s photo sharing feature when it first launched and let us know if you’ll be switching to the official Twitter photo-sharing service in the comments.

Camera icon

That means the service is live on your account. To post a photo, click the icon.
Oops, that's not an image

If you try to upload a video or a doc, you'll get this alert.
Enter text

Once the photo's uploaded, all you have to do is type your tweet and click send.
Pic displays on the right pane

If you click a tweet with a photo, it appears in the right pane with a "Powered by Photobucket" line underneath. It's just like TwitPic or Yfrog on Twitter.
Another test

If you click the link, it takes you to the tweet with the picture, not the actual jpeg.
More About: photo sharing, twitterFor more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for Android, Mac, iPhone and iPad

Posted on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 02:14:27 +0000 at
Twitter’s photo-sharing and uploading service is now available to all users, Twitter has confirmed.
The feature, which made its debut in early June, allows users to add images to their tweets. Users will now find a camera icon on the bottom of the “What’s Happening?” box on Clicking it will let users select a picture to upload, which they can then preview before sending it to the world. Tweets containing photos include a link to, along with a thumbnail of the attached picture.
The feature is being rolled out in advance of the launch of Apple iOS 5. Apple’s new mobile OS prominently features Twitter integration, essentially making it the default social network for iOS users. Users will be able to share photos via Twitter in iOS 5. Twitter isn’t saying when mobile photo uploads will be available in its Android and iOS apps, but we suspect that functionality will be coming very soon.
Twitter’s photo-sharing service is powered by Photobucket, which provides all of the hosting for user-uploaded photos.
Twitter’s photo service essentially negates the usefulness of photo-sharing services like TwitPic. Twitter has come under criticism for competing with third-party services built on its platform. Developers don’t know whether Twitter will suddenly start competing with their products, an issue that has created a cloud of uncertainty over the Twitter ecosystem.
Check out the screenshots we took of Twitter’s photo sharing feature when it first launched and let us know if you’ll be switching to the official Twitter photo-sharing service in the comments.

Camera icon

That means the service is live on your account. To post a photo, click the icon.
Oops, that's not an image

If you try to upload a video or a doc, you'll get this alert.
Enter text

Once the photo's uploaded, all you have to do is type your tweet and click send.
Pic displays on the right pane

If you click a tweet with a photo, it appears in the right pane with a "Powered by Photobucket" line underneath. It's just like TwitPic or Yfrog on Twitter.
Another test

If you click the link, it takes you to the tweet with the picture, not the actual jpeg.
More About: photo sharing, twitterFor more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for Android, Mac, iPhone and iPad

Posted on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 02:14:27 +0000 at