Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Leaks & Giveaways Daily!

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RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

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RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Word of advice get a custom theme! New users like to see something new and unique not stolen, worthless themes Make your mark if you want the forum to succeed.

RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Carnage said:
Word of advice get a custom theme! New users like to see something new and unique not stolen, worthless themes Make your mark if you want the forum to succeed.

I have been telling the owner that.. I will try to convince him o get a nice HQ theme.
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

But would you want to pay $549 for a new theme when you have just started a forum xD that is how much it is for a company to make a theme. Over $200 if you get someone else to do it. Its a nice theme, we will be using it untill we can get funds together to pay for a custom one or if someone offers to make us one. Sorry

@Carnage we have not made one $ yet so far, how the hell can we afford custom lol
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Let me know what version of MyBB your running 1.8? i can design you a custom theme im not promising anything but im working on alot of projects at the moment and when i get time ill create a unique hacking theme just for you, how does that sound?
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Carnage said:
Let me know what version of MyBB your running 1.8? i can design you a custom theme im not promising anything but im working on alot of projects at the moment and when i get time ill create a unique hacking theme just for you, how does that sound?

That sounds amazing, we are running the latest 1.8.4 thank you very much. My skype is HumbleAlpha if you want to add me so we can talk when you are available. Really appreciate it.
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

2000 posts already and nearly 100 members 0_0 good job
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Let me just say something... The theme you are currently using is ripped. So basically whoever actually owns the theme can close down your site whenever he feels like it. It could be in 5 minutes, or when you have 20,000 posts idk... Even using a free theme and modifying it is okay. Well at least Carnage offered to make you one. Nice forum by the way.
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Thank you very much and I understand
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Matigo said:
@Humblee and @Taunt I have registered and started posting.

What's your username? I'll give you rep.
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

hit me up on skype, might be interested in being a mod
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Moth said:
hit me up on skype, might be interested in being a mod

At this time we are full with staff members. Ask @humblee if their are spots available.
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Humblee said:
Sorry we are getting over 5 requests a day for Mod now, we will be promoting again in the future.

yea i talked to you over skype i gotcha bro
RE: Ubers.co | Ubers General Forum | Free Upgrades!

Gonna have a special promotion for my generator soon involving Ubers and another forum, stay tuned.
I have registered I am "Hood" On your site I like it so far man.
Rapidly growing!

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