Unfreeze this acc, we split profits


Onyx user!
heres the deal. I recovered this guys account who was selling full mask set. Hey also had 180m on the account. He showed me all the items, i recovered it next day. Its frozen now for neg mem. Anyone who unfreezes it we will split profit. I KNOW ther is most likely a good amount of cash on the account.

Harvey said:
Is there a bank PIN?

not sure. User isnt active though so it doesnt matter.
Mazool said:
How much is the neg balance?

302jtokens. So like 30$. However the accounts bank is worth about 100x that lmao. Tell me if your interested.
Mazool said:
Only got $7.50 in pp :S

Dang :/ if you have some gold, i know a guy that buys all gold at .47c/m that you could sell to to pay for this. YOu would obviously make it all back extremely quick.
Spitta said:
The probability of anyone believing you on this is unlikely. i'd just say sell some rsgp and unfreeze it yourself

Rep doesnt mean anything. Vouches do. And i have some of those. If you dont want to get any money, i dont really care, just stay of the thread.

AndyPizzle said:
I can maybe do it. I've added your msn in your sig.

Ill be on later tonight
Comedian said:
Rep doesnt mean anything. Vouches do. And i have some of those. If you dont want to get any money, i dont really care, just stay of the thread.

I'm not trying to say its your rep or vouch, i'm just saying.. Its really unlikely someone will go $30 out on a whim that someone has.. what if the guy took all his shit off the account right before it was locked? I used to transfer my loot all the time.
The fact that i saw the mask set and 180m full bandos and fury on it about 5 hours before it became frozen and he came on msn saying "OMFG I FUCKIN QUIT RS. THIS IS BULLSHIT. I MADE EVERY PAYMENT WTF." is telling me that he didnt transfer.

eXero said:
I would but I lack $30.

Trade you it for the logs? and i keep whats on the accounts?
Comedian said:
The fact that i saw the mask set and 180m full bandos and fury on it about 5 hours before it became frozen and he came on msn saying "OMFG I FUCKIN QUIT RS. THIS IS BULLSHIT. I MADE EVERY PAYMENT WTF." is telling me that he didnt transfer.

It would've been nice if you said that before but seeing as you probably are over-angered at me for commenting, i really don't see myself doing this. ;o Goodluck to whoever does go through with this though.
Spitta said:
It would've been nice if you said that before but seeing as you probably are over-angered at me for commenting, i really don't see myself doing this. ;o Goodluck to whoever does go through with this though.
Im not mad at all, just tired of people arrogance.
Bump, still need someone to unfreeze, still splitting the profits.
if u have more proof id do this, give me 60m rsgp and il give u 30$ pp, then we can split if u wish, but im not giving you 30$ for nothing
Win All Day said:
pm me the login info ill do it

When i get home we can figure it all out, give me q few hours

oHvHo said:
if u have more proof id do this, give me 60m rsgp and il give u 30$ pp, then we can split if u wish, but im not giving you 30$ for nothing

30$ would give you an upwards of 400m. If I had rsgp don't you think I would have sold it and unfrozen it myself? Use some logic.
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