This is what I found to work out the best.
1) Do AIRS until you can get DOUBLE earth. (level 26)
2) If you WANT you can do to single earth, but I recommend double, just cuz.
3) Now that you have double earth, here's the trick.
The EXP is actually FASTER than fires and your EARNING money :O!
(I found this out using slade's RC'er)
The other guides out there LIE!
With fires, I get about 850 runes/hour.
With earths, I get about 950 runes/hour.
I consider it about 10% faster. Its at LEAST 5% faster.
With earth runes, you get about 7% less exp, but it is like 5% exp.
And when you do fires, you are losing about 11k/hr.
AND the tiara costs about 2k.
Doing earths, you are EARNING about 20-25k/hr
AND the tiara ONLY costs like 10gp!
4) If you have high agility, but low summoning.
Go after COSMIC!
With agility, you do about 40-50 seconds per run.
This is ONE less exp than nats, so its better if you DON'T HAVE SUMMONING.
Its actually FASTER EXP!
Do this until you get NATS!
5) Nature runes OR Cosmic
Nature runes are slightly better, and better money.
I would recommend staying with cosmic, as you don't have to walk anywhere.
Keep doing this until death runes.
6) If you can use the Abyss, go for death runes, they make more money overall and sell better, if you CAN'T access the Abyss, then just use the Graahk double nats method.
7) Oh and by the way if you are low level DON'T RC!!!!
You will either 1) Die, or 2) Not have high enough summoning
Death runes are actually still very decent money...
Even though its like nothing compared to double nats.
1) Do AIRS until you can get DOUBLE earth. (level 26)
2) If you WANT you can do to single earth, but I recommend double, just cuz.
3) Now that you have double earth, here's the trick.
The EXP is actually FASTER than fires and your EARNING money :O!
(I found this out using slade's RC'er)
The other guides out there LIE!
With fires, I get about 850 runes/hour.
With earths, I get about 950 runes/hour.
I consider it about 10% faster. Its at LEAST 5% faster.
With earth runes, you get about 7% less exp, but it is like 5% exp.
And when you do fires, you are losing about 11k/hr.
AND the tiara costs about 2k.
Doing earths, you are EARNING about 20-25k/hr
AND the tiara ONLY costs like 10gp!
4) If you have high agility, but low summoning.
Go after COSMIC!
With agility, you do about 40-50 seconds per run.
This is ONE less exp than nats, so its better if you DON'T HAVE SUMMONING.
Its actually FASTER EXP!
Do this until you get NATS!
5) Nature runes OR Cosmic
Nature runes are slightly better, and better money.
I would recommend staying with cosmic, as you don't have to walk anywhere.
Keep doing this until death runes.
6) If you can use the Abyss, go for death runes, they make more money overall and sell better, if you CAN'T access the Abyss, then just use the Graahk double nats method.
7) Oh and by the way if you are low level DON'T RC!!!!
You will either 1) Die, or 2) Not have high enough summoning
Death runes are actually still very decent money...
Even though its like nothing compared to double nats.