Lets say you buy a new Blackberry off a friend or off Craigslist. Your current phone carrier might be Orange, but the phone carrier you just bought is locked to Wind. Locked meaning the phone itself will only accept Wind sim cards, if you try putting any other sim card in , it will not work and ask you for a MEP code. (Unlock Code) Which i can hook up for you guys CHEAP.
Is your Phone UNLOCKED? or LOCKED?
To check if your Blackberry is locked, follow these instructions.
On your BlackBerry, go to Options > Advanced Options > Sim Card.
At that screen type MEPD on your keyboard. A new menu will pop up.
Look for Network in the list. If your options look like the picture below, your phone is unlocked
I will be offering to Unlock all GSM Blackberries for a small charge of $5 LR. If you want to do this yourself, you can buy the Guide for a one time fee of $20 LR. Don't hesitate to ask. This is a good method, I've tried it yesterday on my phone and it works.
Lets say you buy a new Blackberry off a friend or off Craigslist. Your current phone carrier might be Orange, but the phone carrier you just bought is locked to Wind. Locked meaning the phone itself will only accept Wind sim cards, if you try putting any other sim card in , it will not work and ask you for a MEP code. (Unlock Code) Which i can hook up for you guys CHEAP.
Is your Phone UNLOCKED? or LOCKED?
To check if your Blackberry is locked, follow these instructions.
On your BlackBerry, go to Options > Advanced Options > Sim Card.
At that screen type MEPD on your keyboard. A new menu will pop up.
Look for Network in the list. If your options look like the picture below, your phone is unlocked
I will be offering to Unlock all GSM Blackberries for a small charge of $5 LR. If you want to do this yourself, you can buy the Guide for a one time fee of $20 LR. Don't hesitate to ask. This is a good method, I've tried it yesterday on my phone and it works.