Call of Duty Unlock my Cod4 on 360?


As the title says, can anyone assist me in unlocking my cod4 so I can actually use classes besides the default ones? I really enjoy the game on 360 and can get the same enjoyment with all my unlocks locked forever.
you mean you are looking for a cod 4 mod menu lobby so you can unlock all?
Azzid said:
you mean you are looking for a cod 4 mod menu lobby so you can unlock all?

I don't even need an unlock all just need to get my shit to actually be unlockable.
your best bet then is to join a gaming community that does mods etc to do this
Ambien said:
Have you tried using a key to unlock your classes?

In my suicide note, it's going to give you a nice big shout out.
I am still looking for a COD4 lobby. Please someone hit me up.

I'll pay a good amount of koins for a cod4 lobby.
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