(UnOfficail) RR Luring Clan! (UnOfficial)

*Combat Level: 131 Pic of stats below.

*Can you afford claws and Arhims: No, but i will be able to soon.
*Do U got skype or Msn: msn: Both.
*Do you accept the TOS: Yes
*Do you have ancients? : Unfortunatley i hate quests so no
*Do you wanna be Talker Or killer? I can be either.
Yeah, plz add my skype:
Spitzy said:
*Combat Level: 53
*Can you afford claws and Arhims: No
*Do U got skype or Msn: Both
*Do you accept the TOS: Yes
*Do you have ancients? : No
*Do you wanna be Talker Or killer? Talker
plz add my skype: Joshispro3

plz add my skype: Joshispro3

plz add my skype: joshispro3

plz add my skype: joshispro3
*Combat Level: 74
*Can you afford claws and Arhims: Yes or No. pretty sure arhims cant use it though
*Do U got skype or Msn: both
*Do you accept the TOS: sure
*Do you have ancients? : no
*Do you wanna be Talker Or killer? talker cause who thinks this level 74 is going to attack me =p
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