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Unofficial Rune Gear - eNews - 17/02/2012 [Edition 9]


Onyx user!

Hey Guys,The response was overwhelming and people enjoyed the previous edition of the eNews!I've taken some advice and i hope this time,the edition would be better.


Mike has reached over 4 months on online time on RuneGear,which is longer the The Elite!

The Elite has chosen Opera as his favorite web browser!


Whitney Houston Dies at 48.Read about it here.


For this weeks TOTW,Bowser has quit Runescape for good.Read about it here


This week there is an interview *crowd cheers*.
I interviewed ]Entitled[/color]\

Q.Do you wish to give a special thanks to any user in the forum before we begin?

A.Thanks to all those who try to keep runegear alive.

Q.If i am not mistakn,you're a sponsor,am i right?

A.I'm a sponsor, I donated to the forum a while ago.

Q.What made you decide to donate to the forum?

A.At the time of my donation I loved the community of Runegear, It was filled with members who loved to bot which at the time I loved to do also

Q.Do you still feel the same way about RuneGear?

A.Honestly, I think Runegear has had there downfall this past couple of months. Right now I do not feel the same way I did when I donated

Q.If you could,would you take the money you donated since the traffic of RuneGear has decreased over the past couple of months?

A. I wouldn't take my money back because I donated because I liked the forum and thought it had potential. It still does, but Runegear Needs to find its Mojo..

Q.What would you suggest to the owners of RuneGear to do to increase traffic on the forums.

A.I think the name of Runegear Should change,
Only because this website just isn't about Runescape anymore
it deals with all of the things that comes with runescape.

Q.Would you recommend anything else to the owners?

A.No, As I feel there staff should be the one's trying to suggest things that will improve runegear not the members

Q.Do you think the staff is going a good job,and which of the Global mods do you think does their job the best?

A.I haven't been very active on Runegear lately, But the last time I checked the staff was horrible. Because not only is the staff position for moderating post's + users but they're also suppose to help keep the forum alive. Thats the job there not doing, Keeping the forum alive.

Q.Before i end this interview,is there anything else you wish to add?

A.RuneGear or Die.

Q.Now that you mentioned that,do you think that would be a great site motto?

A.Personally, I like it :)




13 views,no replies ;/


Onyx user!
I think you still need to expand on each topic but its looking good


Onyx user!
Good work, would you like me to assist you writing enews? I can do members.


Onyx user!
Yay, you used my music track :D
A few minor things to fix but they're no big deal..
Excellent edition mate, keep it up! :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry I couldn't do the interview, I had to finish an essay. Anyways, this seems really rushed. There is only one or two sentences per section. Members don't only have to be owners, there are many others on this forum. Maybe also add a section where there is global news. You are just really lacking content. Also, the pink and purple really hurt my eyes. Maybe use colors that contrast with the background and try using bold. I would rather it be a day later and more in depth.


Onyx user!
Chewbaka said:
Yeah, sorry I couldn't do the interview, I had to finish an essay. Anyways, this seems really rushed. There is only one or two sentences per section. Members don't only have to be owners, there are many others on this forum. Maybe also add a section where there is global news. You are just really lacking content. Also, the pink and purple really hurt my eyes. Maybe use colors that contrast with the background and try using bold. I would rather it be a day later and more in depth.

it was rushed,and it wasn't well done as i have a cut on my index finger so i just wanted to get it done with,it should by the time i am officially the eNews writer.
Sorry for the disappointing edition :/