Upcoming FK Movie...


Power member.
A ForumKorner Production, (released early 2014) - Produced by Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino


Philly as Mark Zuckerberg (Owner of Facebook)

- Christy as Hilary Clinton
- Ace as Samuel L Jackson
- Massimo as George Lopez
- Cole as Will Smith
- Slacker as Sylvester Stallone
- Shot as Fred Armisen
- Kyle as Seth Rogan
- Kev as Jackie Chan
- Poop as Queen Latifa

One man, one idea, one family, one community.

Stay tuned. Trailer will be released soon.
Warner Bros.

Note for anyone having trouble understanding this thread; This is not real and a movie will not be produced using the info in this thread.
However you can leave a comment with who you want to be and I will edit the OP. Just for laughs and gigs.
Cole said:
Yes, you can. That's actually pretty funny, Poop. Lmfao

Thank you! I always found that me and her are very much alike.
You should really have me in it though dood.
I was thinking of that. But then she might get offended and I will be facing a perm ban.
Cole said:
I was thinking of that. But then she might get offended and I will be facing a perm ban.

Whats wrong with it? I just thought Precious was a great actor and she is beautiful! Christy wont get offended.

You should do it, it would mean alot to her!
Poop said:
Whats wrong with it? I just thought Precious was a great actor and she is beautiful! Christy wont get offended.

You should do it, it would mean alot to her!

Lol that's true man. There really isn't anything wrong with her and the movie she played in was inspirational too. Who should Josh/Jimmy be?
Cole said:
Lol that's true man. There really isn't anything wrong with her and the movie she played in was inspirational too. Who should Josh/Jimmy be?

Jimmy should be Screech from saved by the bell

I liked "The Social Network" movie, if there was a movie about FK just like that movie it would be funny.
Can i be the black guy that always is the first die in the movie?
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