[Updated] Legit oG GT


I want to hopefully buy a final tag for my main. Please post only if you have an actual nice oG. Trying to find the best ones so please let me know!

My budget at the moment is about $90 (will have 160 in two weeks), and i have a very large amount of MSP, GoD, and DLC. Gumm has seen it the MSP and stuff and can verify it's a lot.
RE: Nice Final Tag

$120 HMU if your down to deal.

Also there is DLC, Stats, and Live on the account.
RE: Nice Final Tag

Counselor said:
$120 HMU if your down to deal.

Also there is DLC, Stats, and Live on the account.

You Be Trollin.
RE: Nice Final Tag

Sorry will update the post. Not looking for any DLC or GoD or stats as i have and can get all of that for free.
RE: Nice Final Tag

i have the tag Whooping let me know
Selling Gamertags:

Be Shot, Schlack, Agrotism, Sewicsyde, Lingol, Punnage, Lenkt, SPF50, Bonus Damage, BootlessGnome, Pwnp, AhhSTFU, GamerTayg, Boomurang, Derpressed, Ampad, Snurped, Thoughted, FullMyPinger, Cool Storying, Barbedwhire, Hizza Put, nSnipe
Look at my thread, i cant link but the title is "my shop"
What your looking for i do believe i have.
I have Tennessee for sale atm as well as a few others..

Check it out.
Dibby said:
Selling Gamertags:

Be Shot, Schlack, Agrotism, Sewicsyde, Lingol, Punnage, Lenkt, SPF50, Bonus Damage, BootlessGnome, Pwnp, AhhSTFU, GamerTayg, Boomurang, Derpressed, Ampad, Snurped, Thoughted, FullMyPinger, Cool Storying, Barbedwhire, Hizza Put, nSnipe
I hope your kidding. Someone may, Just may. Take all of them off your hands for free. Sorry to tell you. Buy SHIT ass tags.
I like the tags Talk and Convict. How much are you two trying to sell them for, and also are they swappable?