[Updated] Post your Gamertag

Sold my GT 'Y9P' Will get back to you when I get a tag I'm actually gonna stick with

Senpai said:
Can you remove my name please? I no longer own Iek. Thanks.
You were Iek? Small world, holy shit.
O F said:
Sold my GT 'Y9P' Will get back to you when I get a tag I'm actually gonna stick with

You were Iek? Small world, holy shit.

Yeah I was Iek.
Sadly I had to sell it after owning it for a while due to personal reasons, wish I could have kept it longer.
It got banned now, I think the person I sold it to got it banned.... RIP Iek
Senpai said:
Yeah I was Iek.
Sadly I had to sell it after owning it for a while due to personal reasons, wish I could have kept it longer.
It got banned now, I think the person I sold it to got it banned.... RIP Iek
damn, I sold all my SMs as well. Due to my bad habbits
My gamertag on the 360 is Z9M
If anyone's down to play or some shit hmu
I've changed my gamertag from 'OF Cliffy' to 'ohCliffy' .

Thanks, lurids.
My xbox 360 Tag - Shelve                                      
Glad to see someone took my first username =) @got
The nerd in me hasn't grown enough for me to merit buying the Xbox One, so I'm still sitting on the 360. GT: Z o i d.

My Xbox 360 gamertag is wyle47 and it's the same for the Xbox One.
sorry I have been busy.. but Im more active on the site, an on XBOX LIVE anyways my new gamertag: FLVCKHO
Glitter Milk said:
Updated the tags listed above, I apologize for the delay I forgot my FK pw :c

@cicero WHAT?
I think I went by bob breadwater when we spoke.