Updates came, i got bored?


Active Member
i couldn't wait until the updates came.

but now that they are here it got boring. all i really do is go on for 5 minutes and get off.

any suggestions to keep me occupied on RS? xD
go PK lol, its MUCH more fun lol. i dont know how you could be bored lol
go lure some noobs! and then get their items.
PK. Give me 20gp. Ect ect.
Bot up some money making skills like RC then use the money to pk. I make around 10m while I sleep and at school
Well what's your combat level? I'm sure there is a way you can improve your account. If not, then go pking or staking in the duel arena, and get some cash.
lol pking on my main account fails.
its 77 attck 80 str 70 defence

96 combat.

I might get my range up to 80.. its tempting.

and might finally do regicide and roving elves.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
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