Upgrade Giveaway <3

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Power member.
Well, it's my third or fourth day since I joined, and I just bought Donator, Onyx, and was accepted into Legion. So I'm super happy, and would like to give one member an upgrade :) I will give them Donator. This is how it will work. Post saying why you want it, and I will decide who gets it. :) don't be mad if I don't pick you.

Also, everyone check out my free MiddleMan thread :D :

I would like this because it is the only paid-for upgrade that I still need and I missed out on Quad's donator giveaway yesterday by one post :( Thanks for doing this.
Hey Cudi, I'm jealous you're already fully upgraded in such a short time! Anyways, enough ass kissing ;)
I believe I deserve to be a donator because I feel like I have contributed to this Forum and treated every member like family. I try to negociate even trades with every member that wants graphics or one of my Gtags. And I think with donator status, I could find a way to become even more active with the site and contribute more to the never ending family of Forum Korner.
Thanks in advance <3
I would like Donator so then I can get Power, I have Onyx already and it is the last upgrade I need before power.

Good luck everyone else.
I want the giveaway because I am secretly a ninja... until now when I just told everyone that I'm a ninja.
I'd like 'Donator' as I'd like to show my appreciation to "ForumKorner" (even though I wouldn't be paying, lol). I would consider myself an active member, and I also now play a big part in Quad's "News Crew". I'm not going to give you some bullsh!t story, I'm just telling you straight, it would be nice to win.

Good luck to everyone who is entering, I hope it's your lucky day. :)
Id like Donator to be looked at more seriously since im a new member and i do spend a lot of time on this site so it would be great to be helping out the site as well.
very nice giveaway. ive been on this site for a pretty long time and have put alot into it. i always try to help members out as much as possible and i always try to stay as kind and high quality. another award would be a nice addition to the profile. let me know if i win!! :D <3
I would like to receive this donator because I was recently upgraded to onyx. And I have been looking to upgrade to donator for a while, but over time I have been scammed and losing money. I'm not looking for sympathy here, but I do feel that I am HQ and deserve this upgrade. Although, any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, and good luck to everybody else who has entered.
Well, I cant get it, but good luck to who ever get the free upgrade!
Nice giveaway I cant think of a reason for me to have it.
I want to get the donator status because I feel I've put in a lot of work on this forum, and I've tried to be a pretty hq member. I don't have my own paypal, if I did I would have bought donator in a heartbeat. I've been a member of this forum for over 3 months and I've always been pretty active. I really want to be upgraded but I'm unable to get it myself and I would greatly appreciate it if I was upgraded.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
When Philly gets back I will see to it that you get donator. :)
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