I will attempt to upgrade at least one member a month for a Premium membership for one (1) month. I will be the only one making the final decision as to who gets Premium. Although others may nominate a member and give a brief explanation as to why they deserve the upgrade.
Rules for applying;
-Post below and tell me why you think you deserve to be upgraded to Premium.
-Grammar must be above 8th grade level.
-No less than 3 complete sentences, if less your post will be voided.
If you'd like to jump the gun;
-You can make a brand spanking new guide for RuneScape, or any other game that this forum has. The guide must be extremely instructional and likes by many members.
-Refer at least 1 person who will remain active.
All of the rules apply as of September 26, 2012 at 9:30 EASTERN Time.