Upgrading 1 member

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I can just wish myself luck. I'll be eagerly waiting as I'm in a great need on Onyx. I hope I win. Good Luck Poop.

Glad you like the sig Katy

Vouch for Poop, Amazing MM. He deserves IT!
I vouch for Skate. He's a nice member and deserves an active. Good luck my friend.
Looks like I'm probably gonna lose this and with less vouches.
Some of you might want to get a vouch period.
Na that is not allowed.
Vouch for this scrub! He deserves it
Skate said:
Told you, its obvious he was gunna win

In the end vouches only effect my decision not finish it I will decide the winner no matter how many vouches you guys have.
Skate said:
Told you, its obvious he was gunna win

idk why you say that lol. Vouches help yes, but its Ace's decision in the end
I vouch for SpiXed. He deserves it more than anyone else.
Name: Prism
Age: 15
Country: US
Hobbies: Drawing, Gaming, Cooking, Smoking Weed, Listen to Music
Why are you deserving of an upgrade: Basically, I've been trying the best I can around on the forums. Some of the people on this site can be naive and annoy, but i'm not going to let it get to me. I honestly think i'm going to be on the site for awhile to help out more. Hopefully I will take it to another level and get an upgrade
Your short story to be written below: I'm going to school for Computer Scripting experiences, I'm currently a sophomore, I'm taking Java, HTML, and Frames in my sophomore year. I'm getting in to professional graphic effects. For some odd reason i think GFX is cool!
SpiXed said:
I can just wish myself luck. I'll be eagerly waiting as I'm in a great need on Onyx. I hope I win. Good Luck Poop.

SpiXed is a really committed member that deserves this upgrade.

Good luck, Spixed!
Hobbies:Trolling, Xbox, FK, 4Chan
Why are you deserving of an upgrade: Because I'm a trooper and I'm probably brave to be entering, because I know I will lose this. Being upgraded makes me feel not trusted enough to be on this site. Being 14 I cannot afford most of these things.

Vouch give it to Poop
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