Upgrading 3 Sponsors and 5 RG Elites.

Nominating: @"Saint"

Nominating another

Why you deserve this upgrade:
I think I deserve this award because I care about these forums, and getting RG Elite would help me to want to stay active. I try to keep all my posts HQ and helpful. I hope someone would be kind enough to nominate me .

Dusk said:
I am going to go ahead and vote: "The very kind" -Gum.
That's right..GUM!


Thanks for reading this, nomination.

Maxie said:
I'll nominate Gum. He seems to be nice and got my name in his signature :3.
Touche said:
Still taking nominations.

Do you have any idea when this will end? Like a deadline?
I'll nominate Gum. He seems to be nice and got my name in his signature :3.


Why I deserve to be upgraded:

I really want to be upgraded to Sponsor because I have so much to offer. I have dedicated most of my time and skills to RuneGear members who are deserving. I believe I have done a great job in the past 10 months that I have been here. I would be honored to receive the coveted Sponsor status. I want to be upgraded to gain access to the Sponsor sub section of the forum. I want to see for myself, all the rewards that come with being a higher rank.. not to mention, the respect that comes with it. Thank you for giving me this oppertunity.. You won't be disapointed!

Nominated Me

- CrystuL (His profile link)
Maxie said:
I'll nominate Gum. He seems to be nice and got my name in his signature :3.

Haha thanks man :3. Now I got 2 nominations ^_^.


Why I deserve to be upgraded:

Somehow I would like to nominate myself because I think I'm a dedicated member. I haven't really haven't been active around Runegear expect recently, I provide all customers who uses my service with fast service, cheap prices, and reliable concepts. I believe I am able to be upgraded to Sponsor as I am responsible for what I do. Thanks in advance.
Why you deserve this upgrade: I'm looking to become more active on this forum. The community is great and I look forwards to being able to help people. I feel people would take me more seriously if I get upgraded because at the moment they seem to see a normal member and not take them seriously. I enjoy the time I spend on RG and look forward to making more positive contribution as well as donating in the future.
Why you deserve this upgrade: I've been on RG for more than 3 months now and I'm really active. I'm trustworthy and friendly to all. I haven't got into a fight with anyone on this forum and I've helped many. Thanks for the contest!
Why you deserve this upgrade:I love these forums. Out of the several forums I use RS related this my favorite compared to jsp/pb,sythe. I am currently trying to buy RG Elite for rsgp however my RSGP cash stack is low atm and I could really use the money on something else If I were to win
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