Critical said:What do you mean? Like are you asking for us to comment the best userbar in our opinion or like what.. I'm confused af. #StupidQuestion. lol
Not in but lead. It's whatever we just want to know which one you think is the best lol.Teen said:nobody honestly cares how many groups ur in lol sorry
Critical said:All of your groups that you lead have shit userbars. Except OG And Anime, people actually probably took more than 5 minutes on those.
xD I like that one way more thatn the current one, I don't see why you got shot down.Astro said:Hahaha I couldn't agree more.
I'm not sure how they got approved by Philly.
Here's my one that got denied
edit: gets kicked from blue lions lel
Pun said:Not hurting my feelings i didn't make them @Prepare @Sector @Sweden @Astro @Kids