Vaporizer shopper

I would like to get a vape mod, near the middle range but i could pay a bit more, i just wanna blow huge clouds lol
Fume said:
I would like to get a vape mod, near the middle range but i could pay a bit more, i just wanna blow huge clouds lol
I highly recommend a box mod.
check this mod out
you'll also need batteries, wire, cotton, a charger, and an atomizer
also make sure you have drill bits! If you don't, you'll need a coil jig
also if you don't have (somewhat) sanitary pliers, you'll most likely need this

WARNING: Mechanical mods are very dangerous if not handled properly. Only use chemistry safe IMR batteries and always use an ohm-reader! You could risk toxic gasses, fires, or even explosions.

Buy an accurate ohm-reader here

make sure you watch a safety video  and an (excellent) electricity explaination video
if you have any questions feel free to PM me
Shift said:
Vouch for Yeti, I now have a lead stick with a fire inside and I smoke e-juice out of it


it burns
Nice, you should check out my above post. it has everything you need and some good videos.
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