Various Gamertags


I have a various list of gamertags:
Ancient M*gic
F*kie Knife
F*n Houses
K*d Temperrr
M* Range is 99
obv m*d
R*d Partyhat

PM, post offers, whatever you want for which email you choose. Taking various payment methods, must go first, will show proof I have the accounts before the deal is made.
You should probably censor the tags or else MC's going to ban them.
silenced said:
what do you mean censor the gamertags??

For example pretend I was selling a tag like God it's good to put a "*" as a replacement for a letter so say it would look like this G*d. Lastly click on the reply button next to my comment on the right so that I'll be notified you msged me. If you have any other questions pm me man I got you.
Glws bro, you should find a mm. That'd ease the tension a bit, cheers
why would he censor these, microsoft won't waste there time banning them... I am confused are you paying us to take these off your hands???
I am interested in the last account suprisingly. How much?
Internet said:
It specifically says no welfare checks in the OP.

I'm using the money i found in your mothers dildo drawer.
Painkiller said:
You know the last one is spelt wrong, right?

May Based God bless your soul for helping a strugglin brotha.
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