Veganism Is A Moral Baseline For Being A Decent Human Being


Power member.
Animals either matter morally or they do not matter morally.

If they do not matter morally, then we have no moral obligations to treat them with concern or care.

If they do matter morally, then we owe it to them at the very least to not inflict suffering or death upon them in the absence of a compelling reason. Your taste buds, mild inconvenience and fashion sense cannot constitute a compelling reason because pleasure cannot constitute a compelling reason to harm someone.

So, if animals matter morally, we cannot consume or use animals or treat them as things. It's not a matter of whether we treat them "humanely." We cannot justify using them at all.

If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence: nonviolence to other sentient beings; nonviolence to yourself; nonviolence to the earth.

You don't have to watch, but if it's not good enough for your eyes, then how's it possibly good enough for your stomach?



Also refer to the movies in my signature.
I'm glad to see you posting awareness again, this is what is needed.

It would be cool if someone on this forum could at-least give it a try for a week and document us on how it felt.. maybe you'll make the change.
One said:
Yo sorry man gotta get mad gainz I can't just eat grass fam.
You don't need animal products to make gains. Plenty world renown vegan athletes.

I encourage you to take a critical look at your eating habits rather than dismissing it so easily with a joke.

Ambien said:
Around these times is when I miss @Professor
Do you not have an argument of your own?

It's pointless arguing with you, you're just going to post a long ass essay about some bull shit that I'm not even going to bother to read.
Ambien said:
It's pointless arguing with you, you're just going to post a long ass essay about some bull shit that I'm not even going to bother to read.
It's not productive or intellectually honest to dismiss ideas on the basis you don't want to take responsibility and change or believe them.
Ambien said:
It's pointless arguing with you, you're just going to post a long ass essay about some bull shit that I'm not even going to bother to read.

Can you not post a long ass essay? Showing you're not going to bother to read his essay just goes to show the facts flow right through your brain.
Shift said:
You should stop drinking water because of all the innocent bacteria in it

Bacteria are not sentient feeling beings. They cannot experience pain or suffer and have no cognitive abilities. To equate them with animals is just dumb. Also, consuming water is necessary - consuming animal products isn't. And even if bacteria, plants, or whatever could suffer, veganism would still be the answer as it causes the least amount of harm and it is the only long-term sustainable solution. If you care about animals and the planet, then you have a moral obligation to be vegan.

EDIT: Another thing. This doesn't create a quota for needless harm. It doesn't matter because we know needlessly harming others is wrong.
I'm currently watching the movie Cowspiracy in my environmental science class. Did you know humans waste 10billion gallons of water a year and agriculture animals waste 100trillion gallons? That's a fucking lot more than us. So all those commercials saying, save water when you shower or shit like that should really talk about agriculture.

also 1 hamburger beef wastes 600 gallons of water to produce.
Now is a good time to look at the people in other countries who would kill for a cup of that water.
That's fucking awesome. I had no clue they were showing that in schools now.

So are you taking on veganism?
Cann!bal said:
f you care about animals and the planet, then you have a moral obligation to be vegan.
This is simply not true. You can argue it all you want but at the end of the day, it's still not going to be true.
JohnnyG said:
This is simply not true. You can argue it all you want but at the end of the day, it's still not going to be true.
Why is it not true?

If you care about animals or the earth, then I think it reasonably follows you have a moral responsibility to respect and take care of them. I see no respect in needlessly harming animals and destroying the environment. Animal agriculture is incredibly cruel to animals and destructive to the environment. It makes no sense to say you care about animals and the planet when you simultaneously support it. To support it would be the antithesis of what is to be expected of a compassionate person and an environmentalist.
Cann!bal said:
I see no respect in needlessly harming animals

Neither do I. That doesn't mean I'm against killing animals for food.
JohnnyG said:
Neither do I. That doesn't mean I'm against killing animals for food.
I don't understand. Elaborate please. You are okay with needlessly harming others and not respecting them?

I'm not against killing animals for food either necessarily. I think you're morally justified if you are killing for survival, but we live in civilized societies now. We don't kill or use them for survival or necessity - we kill and use them for pleasure.
Cann!bal said:
We don't kill or use them for survival or necessity - we kill and use them for pleasure.
You're deluded. But who am I to judge. Do you fam.
JohnnyG said:
You're deluded. But who am I to judge. Do you fam.
Lol, okay. You can't even form a coherent argument against me.

We don't kill for survival anymore. We kill for pleasure. You're the deluded one if you think otherwise. Do you eat your ice cream and hamburgers for survival or pleasure, Johnny boy?

And thanks for the neg rep, fam.
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