Video Game of Your Choice Giveaway! Up to $60! Physical Copy!


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Title says it all. Will be giving away a game of your choice to one user. Can be worth up to $60. 

*Note: this is a physical copy so I will need your address to ship it if you win. If you don't feel comfortable with me having it, don't enter.

Just post as many times and the posts will be your entry number. Ending in a few days. Choosing with

*US Only
*Staff can enter

S/O: Based @Philly
I will be entering in this need a new my little pony game to play with @shock
Pretty sick giveaway, why not post lol
This is a good giveaway, maybe I'll get Far Cry 4. =p
i want to enter this giveaway i really want gta 5! thanks for giveaway~!
Remember you can enter as many times as you want!
what if I post only one time and win.. hm
Question, can we pick more than one game as long as it doesn't go over the $60 budget?
Ex: I get two games for $30 each. Or three games for $20 each.
Madara said:
Question, can we pick more than one game as long as it doesn't go over the $60 budget?
Ex: I get two games for $30 each. Or three games for $20 each.
Yea sure..............................
Felon said:
Yea sure..............................

I wouldn't do that anyways if I won.
Just getting that question out there, because I'm sure one person might ask that question.
So the answer is already here for them.
Madara said:
I wouldn't do that anyways if I won.
Just getting that question out there, because I'm sure one person might ask that question.
So the answer is already here for them.
Yea thanks man
I'll go ahead and enter this. Maybe i'll get lucky and get out of buying one of the PS4 games i've been considering. ;P
Enter while you can guys!........
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