VPS FREE till 8/1/11

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Power member.
Yeah, I'm giving away a vps that has rsbots.net already installed on it.

It expires on the first of next month.

Post here why you need/deserve it.

Good Luck, Winner will be picked today or tommorow.

Estimated # Bots: 1-2**
RAM: 1024 MB Guaranteed
Diskspace: 10 GB
Transfer: 100Mbps Port
IPs: 1 Dedicated

NeXus (rsbots.net) Installed FREE
I need this vps, because everytime I even try to think about botting, my mom wakes me up in the middle of the night, raging about how I forgot to turn the pc off. She then thrashes out of my bedroom like a stampeding gorilla, threatening me with a far worse punishment if I ever do it again. I now try not to bot during the night as I fear she may wake me up with a steel studded belt or a leather sandal with nails in the sole ;_;
Justin said:
All Day Win said:
I just want it thats it so give it to me.

Reported for low quality.

I'm god Justin you can't report god. He said "Post here why you need/deserve it." and I deserve because I'm god I shouldn't have to ask.
Id like it because I am considering buying from seerhost but want to test some bots on specifically the 1GB before I actually buy it... anyways thanks
I really want it so I can use my auths again ^--^
+ I you xxx
+ I'll give you a free hi-5
+ I'll let you hybrid practice on me
Well I need it because I need to make money to get my construction to 99, current 90.. this would help me a lot 24/7 my money maker account.
I just Diced my Whole bank away.. I just won 600m then lost it all in 4 dice throws Im completely cleaned now I Would be able to bot my acc and hopefully make some money back, and because i have a laptop it over heats and i cant bot overnight + my parents turn off the internet box overnight
Why I Need It: Well I'm currently trying to use VPS' to save running Runescape on my computer and save usage, but it seems all the trial/beta ones seem to stuff up constantly, not to mention the lack of time it's up and running.
If you gave me this VPS I would have 13 days to make the very most of it I could.
Multiply said:
I really want it so I can use my auths again ^--^
+ I you xxx
+ I'll give you a free hi-5
+ I'll let you hybrid practice on me

I offered this to him on skype, and It didn't work.
I am at vacation currently, and I got the worst internet ever. (Like 1Mbit/s), I can't have my computer on 24/7 because the house is 45M2, and my computer sounds a lot.

I have also been trying to earn money on PayPal by selling runescape pins and money, but exactly after getting 15$, my PayPal got limited. I cannot get unlimited it till I verify a credit card that I don't have.

I have tried loads of trials, but they have always banned me before I installed Java.

I think I deserve it as I am always trying to help this community, I am always doing everything to help. If I get this VPS I can finally start to bot, I have already bought and used the membership on one account and I wouldn't want that to get wasted.

So I would be very thanful if I could get this VPS.
I think I deserve it because my usual 24/7 $700 Home computer broke down after only 6 months of ownership, and now I have no computer to bot on. Also, my current VPS I have is always offline, and it expires soon.
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