Wake and Bake baby


Active Member
Time for my favorite part of my day, the wake and bake. About to smoke these 4gs left over from last night with some moon rocks. After that we're getting breakfast and watching the purge later tonight.
What're my stoners up to? Let me see what y'all are smoking.
I woke up this morning and baked some cookies with my niece.
Matigo said:
I wish I could smoke but I got to stay clean so I can get this factory job for sure.
Nice nugs though.

I just got a job at Walmart, I'm gonna stay here for a bit before I do the same deal. And good looks, there was some purp inside. Bouta reup!
Matigo said:
@VPN how much you getting man?

My bad  lost my phone. We've got 8th left we've smooking with a g of moon rocks. Getting a QO for today
$crim said:
I woke this morning smoked a few bowls and finished off the new season of Orange is the New Black. That bag looks dank af. I gonna get some moonrocks soon.

Sounds fire as fuck. Ima watch some netflix after the purge. They took off half baked and mac and dev i was extra pissed. We got moons with fire bud and dabs for 60 all day.

$crim said:
I woke this morning smoked a few bowls and finished off the new season of Orange is the New Black. That bag looks dank af. I gonna get some moonrocks soon.
Are you all caught up in the oitnb?
VPN said:
Sounds fire as fuck. Ima watch some netflix after the purge. They took off half baked and mac and dev i was extra pissed. We got moons with fire bud and dabs for 60 all day.

Are you all caught up in the oitnb?

Yup, just watched the last episode today. Had to space it out as long as possible. Now I have to wait another year for a new season :(.
$crim said:
Yup, just watched the last episode today. Had to space it out as long as possible. Now I have to wait another year for a new season :(.

I cried when that girl died wheb they got up on the table.