Mc. Donalds

Active Member
Step 1 - Mine from 80-99 Mining at the Living Rock Cavern,
and get roughly 170k gold ore worth around 40.5m (Gold ore = 238gp average.)

Step 2 - Now, superheat the 170k gold ore into bars(USE GOLD GAUNTLETS FOR 2X XP IN SMITHING. Requires Family Crest quest.)
From 40 Smithing and 43 magic you should go to 95 Magic & be around 95k from 96 Smithing.

Step 3 - Buy 170k CUT Emeralds and 170k nature runes(costs 110.5m so buy in increments if you can't afford all in one go. Nature's wil cost 29.9m)
Now, craft these into 170k emerald rings. From 27 Crafting, you will now be at level 95 Crafting.

Step 4 - 2 Choices.

Step 4a - Buy 170k cosmic runes (Average 90gp each, cost 15.3m total) and enchant your 170k emerald rings.
This will result in 99 Magic and 15m XP!
Sell the 170k Rings of dueling for around 1150gp each, selling for 195.5m cash.
You will profit over/around 55m depending on current prices when you do it.

Step 4b - Simply sell the 170k emeral rings for 890gp each for 151.3m roughly.
With a profit of over/around 40m.

There you have it.

95/96/99+ Mining*
95/96/99+ Smithing*
95/96/99+ Magic*
And 95/96/99+ Crafting*

* = If your current levels are higher than 40 Smithing, 43 Magic & 27 Crafting, the finish levels will be higher or more than the XP of level 99.


Edit - Also, if you could please post? 15 views and 0 replies, thanks guys...
I've known about this before, I will probably end up doing this minus the mining part. Do you know how long it would take for the superheating, crafting and enchanting?
Ill do all of it besides the enchanting. Seeing as im already 99 magic. I just need a few mining levels, only 71 atm
Mazool said:
I've known about this before, I will probably end up doing this minus the mining part. Do you know how long it would take for the superheating, crafting and enchanting?
Without the mining part, means you only make 0 or negative profit using the 4b method, and around 10m using the enchant method.

Relapse said:
Ill do all of it besides the enchanting. Seeing as im already 99 magic. I just need a few mining levels, only 71 atm
Why not gain 40m profit and around another 15m magic xp for free?

Oxide said:
It's quite a mics guide thanks

Thanks, I think you meant to say it's a nice guide? Ha-ha
Mazool said:
@"Jonathan" I know, I was just wondering if you knew how long it would take without the mining. Do you know?

I'd say about, 107 hours for superheating, roughly 1600 ore/hour? I'm not to sure with the superheat bot, been a while since I used it.

About the same, 110 hours for making into emerald rings.

And about 110 hours for enchanting, so say, 330 hours total? Without mining. About 14 days of 24/7.
Rather not waste the time enchanting though how much will i make/lose if i dont enchant
Ya thats no big deal really.
Ya do this after your herblore guide
No I never.
Compare the two.

I edited it, to make it more user friendly and added extra parts regarding levels with gauntlets, correct levels gained, profit/cost etc.

I'm M33k Millz over RSB.net
I didn't really know whether to put it in guides or general, if it needs to be moved, Staff can do it
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