Make a new eBay account or use one that you have never listed an item for sale on.
Pm me when you have one. I will send you the link and then list the item. If it doesn't work then just cancel the listing. it doesn't cost money to list an item, you have to payy sellers fees when you actually sell an item, not list one.
Im not sure if you only have to list an item and not fully sell it in order to receive the 15$. But there is no harm in trying.
Make a new eBay account or use one that you have never listed an item for sale on.
Pm me when you have one. I will send you the link and then list the item. If it doesn't work then just cancel the listing. it doesn't cost money to list an item, you have to payy sellers fees when you actually sell an item, not list one.
Im not sure if you only have to list an item and not fully sell it in order to receive the 15$. But there is no harm in trying.