Wanting to buy a 2 character gamertag...


If you know anyone who has one I'm offering $800 for a random combination to start off. Mm will be used.
Yeah bro these go for 400+ I think 800 is pretty ridiculous. Anyways good luck
Don't let anyone make you pay anywhere near $800. $200 or so is what is fair. Good luck finding one.
Not even 400$ lmaoo I would say go up to 300$. Maybe.
Everyone else is right, if it's a 2 letter they're obviously more cash but if it's a random 2 character don't pay more then 300.
Ok, since everyone obliges I go lower, ill pay $400 for a two letter tag without any spaces. Anyone own one....?
NarcoticF said:
Ok, since everyone obliges I go lower, ill pay $400 for a two letter tag without any spaces. Anyone own one....?

o unspaced depending on what it is it can be a lot but yea for a random one id say like 400-500
Yes, I put $800 for a two character WITHOUT spaces. For a second I was like ( Are they really that cheap o.0, I feel like an idiot. Haha.) thanks for all the input guys it helps. Still looking to buy one.
Still wanting one of these bad boys if anyone has one Unspaced. Thanks