It was a post in a section that was spam and trolling. Its low quality because what spam posts are high quality. There is no complaining besides the -rep you leader and who ever that other member was. Thats the only complaining I see.
Spamming & Trolling isn't meant for posting random jokes that are irrelevant to the original thread. You can't just copy and paste whatever you want. That's not what this section is for. This section is for joking around and for threads that don't belong anywhere else. You can't just post anything you want, there are still rules.
Spamming & Trolling isn't meant for posting random jokes that are irrelevant to the original thread. You can't just copy and paste whatever you want. That's not what this section is for. This section is for joking around and for threads that don't belong anywhere else. You can't just post anything you want, there are still rules.
My rep is valid and is there for a reason. You're supposed to read the rules when you sign up, it says that everywhere. If I see that you are acting like a high quality member, your rep will be updated.
My rep is valid and is there for a reason. You're supposed to read the rules when you sign up, it says that everywhere. If I see that you are acting like a high quality member, your rep will be updated.
I was the first one to neg you because of the spam and low quality posts. I didn't tell anyone else to do anything, that was all of their own free will. Telling others to give negative rep is against the rules.