I purchased the IG L*g from the user @Phillip who happens to be @Wax on here.
I was browsing IG when the user tried to pull back the IG today. I ended up finger swapping it onto a fresh because I was still logged in via my computer. But nonetheless he had the intention of scamming me.
Proof of deal: http://gyazo.com/4e807326891718a7de5dbe0bd8d092a7
Initial PM: http://gyazo.com/31cb895ae2e28ab68fb9756e799cc831
We then talked on kik (his kik is v6)
He admitted he tried to pull it back via kik. His reason was because people told him I would "chargeback"
Proof of payment: http://gyazo.com/a9c56290eb4f4ab241bcafe3dec18fd0
You can see @Wax has the kik "v6" in his SM shop.
His SM Shop: https://www.forumkorner.com/thread-243792.html
In case he deletes the kik from the shop: http://gyazo.com/dee3e6052af1b9e34eda98c0738f993e
Proof of him admitting to being @Phillip and admitting to trying to pull the ig back:
Me catching him trying to pull it back: http://i.imgur.com/Bt1EkHU.png
@Phillip tried to pull the IG L*g back which I then found out is @Wax and I ended up swapping it while he was trying to pull it back.
I was browsing IG when the user tried to pull back the IG today. I ended up finger swapping it onto a fresh because I was still logged in via my computer. But nonetheless he had the intention of scamming me.
Proof of deal: http://gyazo.com/4e807326891718a7de5dbe0bd8d092a7
Initial PM: http://gyazo.com/31cb895ae2e28ab68fb9756e799cc831
We then talked on kik (his kik is v6)
He admitted he tried to pull it back via kik. His reason was because people told him I would "chargeback"
Proof of payment: http://gyazo.com/a9c56290eb4f4ab241bcafe3dec18fd0
You can see @Wax has the kik "v6" in his SM shop.
His SM Shop: https://www.forumkorner.com/thread-243792.html
In case he deletes the kik from the shop: http://gyazo.com/dee3e6052af1b9e34eda98c0738f993e
Proof of him admitting to being @Phillip and admitting to trying to pull the ig back:
Me catching him trying to pull it back: http://i.imgur.com/Bt1EkHU.png
@Phillip tried to pull the IG L*g back which I then found out is @Wax and I ended up swapping it while he was trying to pull it back.