We got a turboer


Power member.
Someone please make the Gamertag market viewable by "premium" members only
Im sorry guys, I will stop Turboing tags now, i feel i have made enough money from your loss =*(
Someone please make the Gamertag market viewable by "premium" members only

Then nobody would join fk.
If you're unhappy about getting your gamertag turboed, maybe you shouldn't have changed the gamertag in the first place leaving it claimable for anybody.
Not a good idea, non-upgraded members buy most of the tags there you know. Something better would be not swap right away or use turbo'ers of your own on it.
Don't see why people end up swapping tags right off the bat, at least secure the account and wait until you felt like it's been long enough to swap.
The account was turboed before I posted proof on ownershiop
The account was turboed before I posted proof on ownershiop
[/quote]what was the tag and you spelled ownership wrong lol :p