Well I was excited to come back


Active Member
People message me and say I was unbanned so I check and wanted to chat with some old friends I log in and see @color neg 50s me abuse power much for one I have dealt with you and it went well and I'm not here to deal or anything just to say hi and see how everyone I don't deal in market anymore well have a good night
i just touched down on a pussy nigga @color

rep doesnt mean shit on this site anyways Corey, welcome back
Thanks @fear and good @chill just hanging out bro how have you been

@fear aim me what harsh words I'm confused :/
Welcome back young skywalker. #PGOD
2012 @shift and yeah I'm not so much into that scene anymore if you play Xbox hit me up on aim: cky if you ever wanna play
welcome back Corza thanks for the GT you pigeon looking fuck
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