Well Im thinking about starting with runescape.


Onyx user!
But Im just unsure, I dont really have the time, but I dont want to be a noob either, and I dont got moneys atm for all those bots.
I checked what such bots costed, 25$ EACH BOT! HOLYMOLY!
I almost shitted myself omg.

And then I got some questions.
I want to do that pk and such, whats the best to train then?
That's why you use the dumped auths. :) Also, depends on what your going to be. A pure, the best P2P place would be Experiments.
LOL ye rsbot's are bloody expensive. Havn't bought one yet to date, but i've been botting for 4 months.

Best to train: Funnest is probs a n33b pure, or you can go with something different such as a defence pure :D
It's all about dedication, you do not need to play 24 hours a day. You simply need to work your way up, for example, maybe start by getting 20,000 experience in a stat/day, if that's to much, reduce it to 10,000.
You should work on a main account, so you can get the feel of the new and improved RuneScape.
You can always find free auths online.
If you need any help join my cc, Ke3b.

I'm always in it :)
Just use the free RsBot AutoFighter at Minotaurs @ Barbarian Stronghold. It's low-risk there :)