WeMerchPurp (Purple Sweets)(RG's get rank)(Pre-Clan Release)


Power member.


CC: "WeMerchPurp"
Item : "Purple Sweets"
Dump Price(Ours): "35k"

Current GE Chart

I myself was a founding general in Goldmerch, and second Lt of FinalMerch. I've been merching before merching was know as merching. I open this clan up to my fellow RG's early so I can give you the opportunity to make a little money.

Only Lt+ can chat, everyone can apply for a starting rank for recruit and by advertising (Auto Typers) I will slowly but surely rank you up.

We also need a auto typer in clan chat to say a few things every so often.

How to apply for recruit-
Runescape Username:
Hours you can idle in chat:
Amount you can/already invested:

How to apply for captain(200m+ investers only)

Runescape Username:
Screenshot of your current sweets stash:
How much in total you are going to invest:

How do I apply for a rank in chat?

RS Username: Crimson 1578
Sweet's : 0
I'll invest like 90m+
Runescape Username: PM me for it
Hours you can idle in chat: Idle?
Amount you can/already invested: 30mil
The application is at the very bottom, 200m+ investers who show me a screenshot or there cash stack in game get auto Cpt.

If you want to get ranked up setup some auto-typers advertising us in members worlds at the GE's
Runescape Username: PMing you on RS
Hours you can idle in chat: 16
Amount you can/already invested: Can invest 45mil
How to apply for recruit-
Runescape Username: Pretty Obvious Pm me for it
Hours you can idle in chat: While I bot
Amount you can/already invested: As much as Dykerosoft alches my maple long bows the money from that.
Purple sweets are already bought out, within two days it will be impossible to get even one sweet. Start buying now, before it's to late.
Runescape Username: Main : Dyxa Pures : 3
Hours you can idle in chat: About 2-3 / day
Amount you can/already invested: can 40m, already 17m
Good luck merching. I'll consider joining after I get at least 94 magic. And I don't have that much money to merch anyway. Hopefully I'll have some in the future.
Runescape Username: I'd rather not disclose this.
Hours you can idle in chat: 24/7 if it's needed.
Amount you can/already invested: 20m right now.
Good luck buying any sweets, these suckers are completely bought out.
couldnt get a member pin in time, sopose i missed out on this one
Goodluck with this merch carbon. Hope it goes all good and you get the "gun" with the profit
Aye, if you need cheap sweets I need to sell mine for cash to get something inrl.
Runescape Username: PM me.
Hours you can idle in chat: 24 hours/day.
Amount you can/already invested: 50M