What apps do you have on your ipod touch?

I have this game in my ip0d and im really hooked into it--plants vs zombies:D
I got about 100 apps on my Ipod: Angry birds, Cut the Rope, Hexius, iGun, Bounce Bullet, Machinima app, Facebook app and just loads of games and some news apps / fun apps.
Oh I have that game but I dont think it's that fun personally.

it depends with the person playing it ^_^
but me?i really like it,and its very addicting ^_^
Doodle Jump
Cut the rope
Angry Birds
Shopping cart hero
I don't own one, but my friends do. They have stuff like:
Doodle Jump, Tap Tap Revenge (2,3 and 4), tetris, scrabble and monopoly.
I don't have an ipod, but on my iphone i have Igun and angry birds, doodle jump, alienbooth etc.
I have about 70.

Some of them:
Fat Booth,
NFS Shift,
Family Guy: Time Warp,
Real Racing 2,
iPod info just told me that I got 107 apps on my iPod Touch.
6,8 GB ( 8 GB ), got 357MB of free space ...
Personally I have an android and I basically have 2 baseballs games.

Oh and also Imobster x)
oh i have this game called hapi kingdom, you controll a middal age city. THe aim is to leval up and fight all the other payers. You can grow your army and gain resorces to become the best. If anyone is going to get this can you refer me on task 5 or 15 when you can change your name. my name is xboxking