I don't have one myself but my friends let me borrow theirs, on most of theirs they have this "gun" app that when you touch the screen it shoots a virtual gun, another one makes popcorn (theres a video of it - <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtrboPeilCk">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtrboPeilCk</a> )
and lot's of other random ones...
I got about 100 apps on my Ipod: Angry birds, Cut the Rope, Hexius, iGun, Bounce Bullet, Machinima app, Facebook app and just loads of games and some news apps / fun apps.
oh i have this game called hapi kingdom, you controll a middal age city. THe aim is to leval up and fight all the other payers. You can grow your army and gain resorces to become the best. If anyone is going to get this can you refer me on task 5 or 15 when you can change your name. my name is xboxking