What are your thought's on the game now.


Onyx user!
Well when I first started Runescape I loved it, It was a simple, yet fun game that gave you a variety of things to do from day to day.

I am a fan of simple graphics and to me Runescape was in it's prime around 2004-2005, Pking was actually fun because you would hardly get player jacked, and you could actually have a whole fight without worrying! I remember you could have nice conversations with mature people! Without them calling you a faggot, or telling you to kill yourself.

Now fast forward to 2011, It just does not feel the same. I don't get the same feeling I did when I used to play the game way back then.
Pking is ruined, Pretty much everyone talk's like they are all gangster's and thugs.

I still play, I still enjoy playing. It's just not the same! :'(.

But, thus is life, things change.

I agree, when I was a noob at Runescape, and had 300k and was a level 60 F2P, the game was a lot more fun. There was always something new around the corner, and I was never bored because I had so many options in the game. Now I know almost everything about runescape, and I am almost at max combat, so it is not as fun as it used to be. I still play though.
In my opinion, Runescape is dead. Jagex are now just milking it for all the money they can. They constantly say they are fighting RWT and Botting, but we all know that's not the case. I'm not complaining, I bot to PK, it's about the only fun thing left on this game.
The game has problems.

It's way to frustrating, every little thing about the game now seems like it's out to make you mad.
The community has turned to shit, everyone has a super imposed ego, always believe they are right, if they aren't they will just troll.
Although I bot myself, this is a contributer to the community thing, everyone bots, I've literally added like 2 people? in the last 4 or so months. I talk on IRC in my main #chans and sit on vent all day and talk with good friends.

Go back to pre-'07 and you couldn't help but get involved in conversation and make friends while doing your various tasks.

Jagex have dug this botting problem hole themselves. They make every new feature unlockable only after serious grinding. It kind of started with mobilising armies. That MG was made with no intention of it being played properly, they made it wanting people to grind the suicide method for 25+ hours.

You gain 1 rank for a loss, 2 for a win. You can gain a max of 12 ranks/hour, minimum time for a game has to be 4 mins.
60/12 = 5. That's 4 minutes in game, 1 minute after repairing your squads and cannons, then back into a game.

If you play with the intention to win you hit the 12 rank/hour cap to fast and have to wait ~30 mins.
Also they knew the only reason ANYONE would play this is for the (i) rings.

Feel like ever since then they went hardcore grind mode on all there item releases, trying to keep everyone online 24/7, people can't manage those hours, but want to still have all the items their friends have and they need to do fun things bossing/pking.
So the end result? They bot.

Multitude of problems with the game, despite this, and quitting many a times, I still find my way back to RS...
I find RS being only for Personal Finances now, people bot, and sell, that's pretty much it.
Yeah :'( It's kinda sad now.
Runescape is dying for sure, overcrowed by bots, full of trolls/mad/unfriendly people.

Where are the good old times
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