Earning money online is one of the most popular ways to earn, but also earning at a regular job is too. So my question for all of you today is this, what do you do with the money you earn? How do you spend it? Do you share it, or do you use it for you? Do you save it in a bank? What do you do with the money earned?
60-70% of the money that I earn goes to the bank. And the rest I spend it on myself. Making money online is just a sideline since I really cant make a living out of it. I do have a day job and that's where I get the money to pay the bills. Whenever I have the spare time, I join pay to post forums. It's not only for the money but I also want get ideas from other members and at the same time share a piece of my mind. I am having fun while getting paid.
I always not spend all of my money for buying things, i use it for paying my parents bill. I spend around 10-20% on my parents or buying things, otherwise it will go to savings bank account.
Earning money online is one of the most popular ways to earn, but also earning at a regular job is too. So my question for all of you today is this, what do you do with the money you earn? How do you spend it? Do you share it, or do you use it for you? Do you save it in a bank? What do you do with the money earned?
I spend 70% money for family needs and save the rest of the money for future needs. As we can't survive without money, I will take care of the money through saving for future.