What do you merch?

The Agonist

Onyx user!
im merching just the basic dragon stuff right now.. daggers, longswords.. and herbs.. getting me a nice 750k an hr or so while fletching.. bout u guys?
I merch rares..but it's rather risky.
Right now I invested half my cash in an item I'm not going to reveal. So far +2.4m in 2 days, not the best but it'll do. It's like playing stocks.
ya i have some stuff that i dont want to reveal either lol.. but i just get something that has high demand, and that sells in good bulks
ROW's? lol. they goin up pretty good right now cuz of update.
Yeah, i didn't get my hands on any in time :S
I want some ideas... any body know anything cool to merch?
610m , no big deal...lol they went down 1gp today
Runes are hard to merch unless you can buy mass amount
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