It is an American animated movie, featuring voices of Mike Myers as Shrek, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, Cameron Diaz as Fiona. It was made under dream works became commercially successful in 2001. This was one of my favorite series from animated movies and have seen all the series it is such a funny movie you wont miss it. So have you seen this movie anyone, did you like it.
It is an American animated movie, featuring voices of Mike Myers as Shrek, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, Cameron Diaz as Fiona. It was made under dream works became commercially successful in 2001. This was one of my favorite series from animated movies and have seen all the series it is such a funny movie you wont miss it. So have you seen this movie anyone, did you like it.
It is an American animated movie, featuring voices of Mike Myers as Shrek, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, Cameron Diaz as Fiona. It was made under dream works became commercially successful in 2001. This was one of my favorite series from animated movies and have seen all the series it is such a funny movie you wont miss it. So have you seen this movie anyone, did you like it.
I like this movie a lot, especially parts 1 and 2. What I like the most in this movie is the ending where they have some sort of a musical scene. The jokes in this movie are also quite funny but light that you do not really need to think it over to get the joke.
I like this movie a lot, especially parts 1 and 2. What I like the most in this movie is the ending where they have some sort of a musical scene. The jokes in this movie are also quite funny but light that you do not really need to think it over to get the joke.