What " FeaR " Thinks of you.

I think you have me confused with someone else? I don't spam giveaway threads, and im general mostly. I know I've been on your blocked list several times but I think yyou're describing some on else. I joined in September and hardly posted till like mid October
Its probably not too good, but let me know your opinion on me.
So fresh that you can lay it on me.
Greed said:
What do you think of me @Fear haha?
I have 3 words for you.

Eat my ass


[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]( I love you ) We been friends for a long time and helped each other out many times. [/font]

Tiger said:
So fresh that you can lay it on me.
I miss the old tiger, but you are always cool in my books we have plenty of interesting conversations lol

Hey I think you missed mine
Still wanting to know what you think.
Let's see what you have in stock for me
I probably won't like the answer, but please tell me what you think of me.
Not quite the popular guy here but still if you have something throw it at me
These threads are incredibly lame, defeat the purpose of the reputation system, and should be posted in the Spamming & Trolling subforum because they are trash.
jason said:
These threads are incredibly lame, defeat the purpose of the reputation system, and should be posted in the Spamming & Trolling subforum because they are trash.

Agreed, it's very annoying to see these kinds of threads clogging up the "new posts" tab.
Let me hear what you think, im expecting the worst
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