What happens when B*tches cheat on me :)

Was he lil b? Cause he indeed fucked your bitch
I have seen this picture like 100 times, so either it's a repost or your convo is very popular...
The last meme is so funny haha I read it in his voice as well! good stuff man
Darth Vader said:
lol thanks. Fuck these cheatin whores lol
I just realised the last meme is a judge judy one I meant the Palpatine one before it my bad haha
Wizardry said:
I just realised the last meme is a judge judy one I meant the Palpatine one before it my bad haha

Goooooooood. Let the hate flow through you and your journey to the dark side will be complete!
@"Darth Vader" Dude this is gold. And I dislike when women say men need to be honest with us at all times and be "loyal" like bitch better do the same, cause some guys really want a very serious relationship. If this occurs to you, I've been dating my girlfriend since 7th grade and now I'm a junior, still feel love and always happy when I'm with her.
From the small picture of her in the chatbox, she looks ugly af
Climax said:
From the small picture of her in the chatbox, she looks ugly af

Idk why this niggas going off on this girl if his new girl is an upgrade. If that's really his girl, who knows.
Thanks now I am Masturbating to the picture
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