Is to think without drama
May 17, 2011 | 11:44
Description: Strauss-Kahn
First of all it is clear that the history and current sexual behaviors Dominique Strauss-Kahn were widely known in all international economic forums. A man seriously disturbed from the point of view of their sexuality.
Using that knowledge and the style of Roman Polanski's films, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested in New York and forced off the plane that took him to Berlin where he was calm Angela Merkel about the next bailout of Greece would low cost to Germany and the euro would remain strong and robust as it is the dollar that is experiencing a terminal crisis.
However, he was accused of raping and beating a waitress at the hotel where he was staying, and could not come to the meeting with Chancellor Germanic. He went from taking a $ 3,000 room night in a Manhattan hotel, overnight in a cell in the heart of Harlem where they come all accused of sex crimes.
There has not been made public what Strauss-Kahn in New York.
It is a topic that so far nobody has reported or reported because they are unaware of the plans and confidential meetings between the Reserve Bank of New York and director of the IMF for the recycling of U.S. debt, which reached minutes ago their legally authorized ceiling of $ 14.3 billion.
The special treatment that should have this debt, according to Strauss-Kahn design, forcing the U.S. to deploy a high effort and almost definitely rid of its hegemonic role in the international financial system. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the first authority of an institution in Washington to raise the dollar did not meet as a world currency, and led efforts to dilute its hegemony, as it did raise the need for a global currency not belonging to any country and regain the role and meaning of bancor.
Description: debt
Strauss-Kahn was clear that the dollar is the most serious challenges facing the global economic recovery, which is an increasingly weak currency product of over-indebtedness of the world's largest economy.
Recall that the U.S. public debt began to have a rapid ascent in the '80s (as shown in the graph), and despite its slowdown in the 90s, increased dramatically from $ 5.7 trillion in January 2001 $ 10.7 billion in late 2008 (almost double) and $ 14.3 billion in April 2011, when the public debt reached 98 percent of GDP.
The $ 3.6 trillion national debt added to the U.S. since late 2008, more than double the market value of all manufacturing in the private sector in 2009 ($ 1.56 trillion), more than three times the market value of spending on professional, scientific and technical services for the year (1.1 billion dollars) and almost five times the amount spent on nondurable goods (722 billion). Only interest paid on federal debt in the first six months of last year (October 2010-April 2011), reaching $ 245 billion, equivalent to over 40 percent of the total market value of all spending construction sector in 2009 (578.000 million).
This nightmare of uncontrolled debt, the United States adds to being the largest oil consumer in the world, and with oil at a value of $ 95 a barrel, the cost rises to 600,000 million dollars a year that can only support canceling with the dollars it prints. Hence the strategic importance of petrodollars, just as if the United States will be bankrupt long before that. Some of these issues we analyze in The Origin of the financial turmoil and global unemployment, and financial disorder in the United States bankruptcy.
Strauss-Kahn worked on the demonetization selective U.S. dollar and aims sought to make the dollar coin for internal use in the United States, left the new reserve currency to a very favorable exchange rate for the dollar internally, but taxing foreign holders of dollars. This will depreciated dollar debts, favoring dollar debts of citizens and U.S. corporations. The inflation from this would help mask the repayment of debt, and time do the rest. The cost for the United States would "share" the monetary hegemony to other currencies.
Since December 2009, Strauss-Kahn issued its initiatives in new money. By April 2010 he developed the SDR value of 100,000 million, a proposal which, however, was rejected by the surplus countries like China and India and oil-producing countries. The worsening of the countries of the periphery of Europe from May last year, Strauss-Kahn forced to leave the matter publicly until the summit at Davos this year.
It is thought the plan was ready to be presented this month, taking advantage of the new rescue Greece. But all this is part of the past .. His arrest not only sink the idea of ​​dollarization in the world, but also points to the total discrediting of the IMF, just in time I began to enjoy wide recognition by virtue of its new policies, as exemplified by this article by Joseph Stiglitz: The turnaround time of, or when the same Strauss-Kahn said that "The liberal policies of the past 30 years deserve a review."
Detention of Strauss-Kahn is very similar to that which affected the Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer New York, which fell into a trap of prostitution in March 2008, after processing several Wall Street firms that engaged in fraud in the stock values, artificially inflated prices or colluded in predatory practices. And as the arrest of Spitzer could not avoid the financial collapse that began a few weeks (with the collapse of Bearn Stearn), the arrest of Strauss-Kahn could not avoid the impending bankruptcy of the current financial system and economies depend on it
May 17, 2011 | 11:44
Description: Strauss-Kahn
First of all it is clear that the history and current sexual behaviors Dominique Strauss-Kahn were widely known in all international economic forums. A man seriously disturbed from the point of view of their sexuality.
Using that knowledge and the style of Roman Polanski's films, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested in New York and forced off the plane that took him to Berlin where he was calm Angela Merkel about the next bailout of Greece would low cost to Germany and the euro would remain strong and robust as it is the dollar that is experiencing a terminal crisis.
However, he was accused of raping and beating a waitress at the hotel where he was staying, and could not come to the meeting with Chancellor Germanic. He went from taking a $ 3,000 room night in a Manhattan hotel, overnight in a cell in the heart of Harlem where they come all accused of sex crimes.
There has not been made public what Strauss-Kahn in New York.
It is a topic that so far nobody has reported or reported because they are unaware of the plans and confidential meetings between the Reserve Bank of New York and director of the IMF for the recycling of U.S. debt, which reached minutes ago their legally authorized ceiling of $ 14.3 billion.
The special treatment that should have this debt, according to Strauss-Kahn design, forcing the U.S. to deploy a high effort and almost definitely rid of its hegemonic role in the international financial system. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the first authority of an institution in Washington to raise the dollar did not meet as a world currency, and led efforts to dilute its hegemony, as it did raise the need for a global currency not belonging to any country and regain the role and meaning of bancor.
Description: debt
Strauss-Kahn was clear that the dollar is the most serious challenges facing the global economic recovery, which is an increasingly weak currency product of over-indebtedness of the world's largest economy.
Recall that the U.S. public debt began to have a rapid ascent in the '80s (as shown in the graph), and despite its slowdown in the 90s, increased dramatically from $ 5.7 trillion in January 2001 $ 10.7 billion in late 2008 (almost double) and $ 14.3 billion in April 2011, when the public debt reached 98 percent of GDP.
The $ 3.6 trillion national debt added to the U.S. since late 2008, more than double the market value of all manufacturing in the private sector in 2009 ($ 1.56 trillion), more than three times the market value of spending on professional, scientific and technical services for the year (1.1 billion dollars) and almost five times the amount spent on nondurable goods (722 billion). Only interest paid on federal debt in the first six months of last year (October 2010-April 2011), reaching $ 245 billion, equivalent to over 40 percent of the total market value of all spending construction sector in 2009 (578.000 million).
This nightmare of uncontrolled debt, the United States adds to being the largest oil consumer in the world, and with oil at a value of $ 95 a barrel, the cost rises to 600,000 million dollars a year that can only support canceling with the dollars it prints. Hence the strategic importance of petrodollars, just as if the United States will be bankrupt long before that. Some of these issues we analyze in The Origin of the financial turmoil and global unemployment, and financial disorder in the United States bankruptcy.
Strauss-Kahn worked on the demonetization selective U.S. dollar and aims sought to make the dollar coin for internal use in the United States, left the new reserve currency to a very favorable exchange rate for the dollar internally, but taxing foreign holders of dollars. This will depreciated dollar debts, favoring dollar debts of citizens and U.S. corporations. The inflation from this would help mask the repayment of debt, and time do the rest. The cost for the United States would "share" the monetary hegemony to other currencies.
Since December 2009, Strauss-Kahn issued its initiatives in new money. By April 2010 he developed the SDR value of 100,000 million, a proposal which, however, was rejected by the surplus countries like China and India and oil-producing countries. The worsening of the countries of the periphery of Europe from May last year, Strauss-Kahn forced to leave the matter publicly until the summit at Davos this year.
It is thought the plan was ready to be presented this month, taking advantage of the new rescue Greece. But all this is part of the past .. His arrest not only sink the idea of ​​dollarization in the world, but also points to the total discrediting of the IMF, just in time I began to enjoy wide recognition by virtue of its new policies, as exemplified by this article by Joseph Stiglitz: The turnaround time of, or when the same Strauss-Kahn said that "The liberal policies of the past 30 years deserve a review."
Detention of Strauss-Kahn is very similar to that which affected the Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer New York, which fell into a trap of prostitution in March 2008, after processing several Wall Street firms that engaged in fraud in the stock values, artificially inflated prices or colluded in predatory practices. And as the arrest of Spitzer could not avoid the financial collapse that began a few weeks (with the collapse of Bearn Stearn), the arrest of Strauss-Kahn could not avoid the impending bankruptcy of the current financial system and economies depend on it