Well I've finally figured out how to use inspect element and i'm a little bored I don't really talk to any staff/admin/or mods so this is what i think they think of themselves just from my views this isn't meant to offend anyone so if you get mad I honestly have no idea why.
The mods are little bitches, and I see my self getting no where on this site so I'm going to play this little game that all of the "HQ" members have been playing for a while. Yay for corrupted staff.
Shoutout to Kev and Jimmy for taking more dicks in the ass than Quad.
Prob get warned for this but fuck it^ ITS THE INTERNETTTTTTTTT
The mods are little bitches, and I see my self getting no where on this site so I'm going to play this little game that all of the "HQ" members have been playing for a while. Yay for corrupted staff.
Shoutout to Kev and Jimmy for taking more dicks in the ass than Quad.
Prob get warned for this but fuck it^ ITS THE INTERNETTTTTTTTT